To find out more about our clinical services, please contact:
Michael MacNeir, Vice President Business Development
Our partnership with Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing (BSM), means that together we can seamlessly deliver high-quality, end-to-end manufacturing, packaging, and distribution solutions for your injectable.
BSM is a specialist contract manufacturer incorporating unique 100% isolator-based sterile fill-finish to its lines, delivering complete sterile assurance and peerless quality in the formulation and filling processes. Through flexible fillers, BSM fills vials, syringes, cartridges and offers lyophilization.
From clinical to small-scale commercial, our teams have between them the deep technical expertise, broad experience and turnkey capabilities to seamlessly accelerate your injectable to market.
Supporting the full lifecycle of your sterile injectable, we have the flexibility to scale with you from clinical to commercial, delivering a comprehensive suite of services from filling to package design, primary and secondary packing and serialization.